
The conference "Recent Advances in structural biology and drug discovery" will be held on September 18-19, 2023. We look forward to seeing you in Riga!

The Organizing Committee invites you to the conference "Recent Advances in Structural Biology and Drug Discovery".

The conference, which features an outstanding panel of distinguished international speakers, will be a forum for scientists and students from universities, research institutes, and the pharmaceutical industry to share exciting results and build new collaborations. The conference speakers will cover modern trends in structural biology and drug discovery, including photo pharmacology, drug delivery as well as innovative structural and computational techniques.

A special invitation is extended to students, who are encouraged to present their research in the poster session. This will be a unique opportunity for students and young researchers alike to interact with conference visitors and speakers and to showcase their latest achievements. We hope that you will join us and help us make this a very successful meeting with many interesting discussions!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Dr.chem. Emilio Parisini